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Research projects


In order to successfully adapt to the changing, increasingly fragmented media consumption habits of young people and the growing international competition, media players need to undergo a digital transformation to create innovative multimedia content across all possible platforms

ProeftuinMedia XR5G

Will we soon see (even more) virtual reality integrated into traditional TV news broadcasts? Will we have real-time statistics of football players displayed on our smartphones during matches?                                                                                         



Generative AI is currently experiencing a significant surge. AI enthusiasts see endless opportunities, while doomsayers predict the downfall of creative professions and disruption in education. This research focuses on the role of AI applications in the creative sector.          


In this project, we are exploring the possibility of developing a virtual movement platform where movements are felt 'real' in real-time. There is a high dropout rate when individuals are asked to follow an exercise program alone or remotely after an initial start with a coach.  


Can AI models engage in realistic conversations with people and perform complex tasks (behaving as a specific persona, such as a client in a psychologist's session)? And how can we combine generative AI tools to create a credible embodied conversational agent?                    


There is a high unemployment rate among young people in Uganda (83%, UBOS 2018). This is due to a significant skills gap and school dropouts. Many graduates (bachelors and masters) also struggle to find jobs due to limited skills.                                                  


LoREco, as an ESF transition project, aims to explore ways to achieve this goal. The objective is to strengthen the local economy and social fabric within cities by using a complementary currency and a guaranteed income linked to it.                                               

BAR Brexit

The regulations related to Brexit are rapidly evolving, demanding a thorough specialization that is highly time-intensive. Through this project, we aim to assess the necessary updates required in educational programs.